Monday, March 4, 2013


We have numerous TV shows and movies about  police in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago and other large cities. Granted they are dedicated, work hard and are brave, but what about the fine officers in our smaller towns and cities. These officers are trained to handle anything, but spend most their time working car accidents, domestics, dog calls and other rather mundane tasks. They need to be ready and prepared when serious crimes do happen in their cities and they do.

They experience the politics and challenges of the job just as the officers in the big cities. They also are flawed human beings and are challenged by family issues.

I want to be the voice for these officers. I  am trying to develop fictional characters that have several of the traits and attributes I saw in other officers and myself. I also want to create characters who develop disabilities and must reluctantly take off their badges.  I especially want to address the Multiple Sclerosis disease because it is so unpredictable and doesn't usually effect one every minute of their life, but does limit their employment options. Because of my MS I had to leave the career I so loved -protecting and serving the people who lived and visited where I worked and lived.

I will introduce you to some of my characters in upcoming posts.

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